Pantry "Cookies"? (Copy)

I was inspired by my friend, Julie, to create these little beauties. They’re simple, delicious, and an easy thing to make with whatever you have on hand. The other beauty is you can cut the recipe in half quite easily, and I’ll be honest, I really didn’t measure anything. Not too sweet, but a nice little mid-day snack :)

Pantry “Cookies”

  • 2 mashed bananas (raise your hand if you always have too-ripe bananas laying around)

  • 1/2 cup of nut butter (I used a large scoop of peanut, because I basically live off of it)

  • 1 1/2 cups old fashioned oats

  • dash o’ salt

  • Splash of milk (ok, like a tablespoon for those of you who need exact measurements)

  • Chocolate chips

  • ** If you like a bit sweeter, mix in a a bit of maple syrup

Combine everything in a bowl, be sure to mix well. Scoop out onto a baking sheet (I used parchment paper because I’m lazy and didn’t want to clean. I also let the little one measure it out. Don’t judge us.) Then, bake for 8-10 minutes. Bam. Done. Enjoy.

You’re welcome :)

*** Note: This recipe is very loose, and the beauty of it is that you can mix and match with whatever you have in the pantry. Swap out the oats for steel cut, or go crazy with quinoa flakes if that’s your jam. Instant oats? Sure! Why not. Use what you’ve got. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Also, feel free to shake it up with different spices: cinnamon, vanilla, pumpkin pie, you get the point.
